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Chief deputy’s friendly reminder: Lock those doors

Lead Summary

Chickasaw County Chief Deputy Marty Hemann emphasizes that the area isn't seeing a crime spree.But at the same time, he wants to remind residents, especially those in rural areas, that times have changed.“It's not like we've all of a sudden had a spate of 12 burglaries,” Hemann said, “but we really want to remind people to play it safe and don't make it easy for the criminals.”The Sheriff's Office recently sent out a press release in which it asked residents to be more vigilant when it comes to their homes and vehicles.Gone are the days, local law enforcement say, when one could leave doors unlocked 24/7/365.“It's sad, I know,” Hemann said, “but at the same time, a criminal is looking for easy pickings and if the door is locked, that criminal is just going to move onto the next house.For the complete story see the 8/2/2016 New Hampton Tribune.

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