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Christmas is great news for all of us

In the Christmas season, we celebrate God's coming to us in the person of Jesus Christ. There is something heartwarming in the images of a newborn baby coming as a gift from God.The card aisles of stores, Facebook and signs are filled with images of baby Jesus and His parents, wise men, shepherds and drummer boys (not biblical, but a good story, anyway).But Jesus' story isn't all cute babies and shepherds. We also remember that the baby in the manger became the sinless man who was crucified for our sins. He didn't come to add some maudlin emotions to our lives, He came to bring us the opportunity for forgiveness of sin and new life in God's family.Every other religion is based on some version of God sending instructions on living a better life so that we might save ourselves. Only Christ brings us the message that we can't save ourselves, we can't make ourselves good enough to deserve a place in the Kingdom of God.That's good news for you and me. We've tried and failed way too many times.If we're honest, we know we aren't right and good, and we need help. We don't need a list of stricter rules and laws. We need the power to connect with God and become new people with His strength.Christmas is great news, news that in our need, God has reached out to us with life, forgiveness of sin and power to live a new life.Celebrate Christmas, enjoy your family, give and receive gifts, eat a special meal. But also dig deeper into what it all represents: God's coming to offer us life.

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