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Let us all celebrate American Education Week

This week, we are marking the 95th annual observance of American Education Week.American Education Week is always celebrated the week prior to the week of Thanksgiving. American Education Week’s theme, “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility,” highlights the importance of bringing together educators, parents, students, and communities in a unified effort to build great public schools. The National Education Association spotlights the importance of providing every child in America with a quality public education from preschool through college, and the need for everyone to do his or her part in making public schools great. The Association calls upon America to provide students with quality public schools so that they can grow, prosper, and achieve in the 21st century.Today's teachers do more than teach basic skills. They nurture and inspire children despite obstacles. They help students learn essential skills not always measured in testing, such as critical thinking, conflict resolution, cooperation, and problem solving, which help students throughout life.Monday was for honoring school board members and their dedication to our schools. Today [Tuesday] is set aside to recognize administrators and the vital role they play in our students’ education. Wednesday will mark the observance of Education Support Professionals Day — a time for saluting our public school education support professionals (ESPs) and the contributions they make to education. Thursday is the day to pay special tribute to the teachers who work endlessly to meet student needs.Friday is designated as Substitute Educators Day. These employees are called in to temporarily replace regularly employed teachers or education support professionals, such as classroom aides. Student Day is also celebrated on Friday with special recognition given to the students for their hard work. The interaction between children, parents, and all of these individuals is vital to the continued success of public education. Everyone’s work is something to celebrate.Parents, I invite you to visit your child's classroom and learn for yourself how you and the teacher can work together. If you do not have children, please consider visiting your nearest public school and see today's educators in action. Ask how you can contribute to a child's success. We'll be glad to advise. Feel free to visit to learn more.Thank you for taking time to read this letter. I, along with my colleagues, am proud to make a difference in the lives of the students we teach.

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