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Lively homecoming at N-P

Lead Summary

zWe’ve all seen it before, the stories in the big newspapers how a loss on the football field means a school’s homecoming was spoiled.And while Nashua-Plainfield would have loved to cap a spirited homecoming week with a win over West Fork Friday night, one result on a football field doesn’t take away from a week that is about much more than the final score on the gridiron.There was the fun-filled community-wide pep rally Thursday night when Genevieve Reams and Jared Whitinger were crowned homecoming queen and king.There was the bonfire later that night and the big parade that marched through the streets of Nashua on Friday afternoon.The crownings, the bonfire and the parade are “old reliables” when it comes to homecoming.Most schools have them, but Nashua-Plainfield took its homecoming a bit further last week as it held a Spirit and Service Day.— For more on this story, see the Oct. 6 Reporter

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