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Sups fashion plan to hire new examiner

Lead Summary

The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors have heard from its insurance company and decided during a Friday morning meeting to begin advertising for a medical examiner investigator position.This has been discussed since the retirement of previous Medical Examiner Investigator Ken Rasing, and the county had no plan ready.The board went on to discuss covering its medical examiner investigator with county insurance or asking him or her to find their own liability insurance.Supervisor Dave Tilkes wondered if the county would lose candidates looking at the MEI position by asking the person to find his or her own insurance.Former ambulance service owner Jim Cook informed the board that if they ask their MEI to find their own insurance, the MEI will just ask for reimbursement from the county for that insurance.“It’s the only way it would work,” said Cook.Cook also suggested to the board that he feels it would be the easiest and cheapest way to go with a part-time, on-call person.Supervisor Jake Hackman agreed and suggested paying $150 per case for the Medical Examiner Investigator.For the complete story see the 4/18/2017 New Hampton Tribune.

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