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Talent on display

Lead Summary

Jeffrey Reicks admits he endured a stressful week leading up to the New Hampton High School Variety Show, but man oh man, the payoff — the roar of the crowd — was worth it.He wasn’t alone, but for the most part, his peers who took the “stage” Thursday night, nailed it on a night in which students danced, sang and showed off their talents.Still, Reicks may have stolen a good chunk of the show.“I thought all week about the jokes I wanted to tell and how I wanted to do this,” Reicks said of his magic act that left the crowd wowed. “Obviously, you want the trick to work, but a big part of it is the presentation.”No worries, although it helped that he had pretty cool volunteers — including third-grader Gable Hemann and her father, Nick, who helped him show off his magic skills when he somehow was able to place a four of hearts playing card that the older Hemann picked into an envelope.For the complete story see the 4/11/17 New Hampton Tribune.

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