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Weight Watchers can be a life changer for some

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After beginning to help herself, Ruth Kipp began helping others in the New Hampton community by forming and running a Weight Watchers program in New Hampton and Charles City.Kipp became a member of Weight Watchers in October of 2013.“I thought I was eating healthy and I walked five days a week for years,” said Kipp. “I felt that I should be healthy but my weight kept coming up.”Kipp decided to try Weight Watchers thinking she needed to lose five - maybe ten - pounds but in just five months she had lost 26 pounds. Being healthy has always been important to Kipp because of her heart issues on her father’s side of the family.“I wanted to be proactive,” Kipp said.She now leads two meetings herself, one in New Hampton and one in Charles City.“Being in the group keeps me accountable,” said Kipp who has been able to maintain her lower weight for years.In March of 2016 Kipp began holding her own meetings in New Hampton at the Community Center. New Hampton’s meetings are a community type meeting right now where as Charles City has a traditional meeting.“Somebody in the community came to me wanting to get meetings started,” said Kipp. “We put the word out on Facebook and soon we had a number of people.”Before being able to hold traditional meetings, Kipp had to gain enough members. New Hampton will begin traditional meetings soon as Kipp needed 15 members and currently has about 22.At the New Hampton meetings there is a weigh in time from  5-5:30 p.m. and a meeting held from 5:30 - 6 p.m. on Wednesday nights.Weight Watchers works with its members on portions but the thing Kipp likes the most is that there are always food choices.“Nothing is off the table,” said Kipp. “I love to eat, I really do,” said Kipp.At the meetings, members are able to talk about health foods, activities and their mind set which is a big part of it. Members also work on planning and setting goals and working on keeping to them.“The support of the members is a huge part of this program,” said Kipp. “You’re not alone.”One thing Kipp really likes about Weight Watchers is that it is a science based program, not just a fad diet.“It steers you towards healthy foods,” said Kipp.Weight Watchers believes in everyone being able to have a healthy, full life.Kipp is now off her blood pressure medicine due to her living such a healthy life that she credits towards Weight Watchers.“That was always one of my goals,” said Kipp.Those who would like to join a group can email Kipp at

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